Family Health & Income Protection
It is a sad fact that whilst most of us are quite happy to insure our car, our house and our travel arrangements to their full value, few of us take quite as much care over our health and loved ones.
If you were unable to work due to an illness, could your family continue to pay the bills? Could you still continue the same lifestyle? If you died unexpectedly, how would your family cope financially?
There are many different solutions to help you mitigate this risk. PSA Financial Services will look at your circumstances to see if you need cover (taking into consideration any existing insurance in place). We will tailor this for you in the most tax-efficient way.

There are many different solutions to help you mitigate this risk. PSA Financial Services will look at your circumstances to see if you need cover (taking into consideration any existing insurance in place). We will tailor this for you in the most tax-efficient way.
How can you help me with protecting my family?
See other frequently asked questions on our FAQ page.